My period won't stop but its light

    my period is longer
    my period is longer than usual
    my period is longer than 7 days
    my period is longer than 2 weeks
  • My period is longer
  • Period longer than 10 days!

    What Causes Menstrual Irregularity?

    Treatment will depend on:

    • your overall health
    • the reason for your menstrual abnormalities
    • your reproductive history and future plans

    Your doctor will also need to address any underlying medical conditions, such as thyroid dysfunction.

    Treatments may include the following.


    Possible medication treatments your doctor may suggest include:

    You can work with your doctor to find alternatives if your irregularities are due to medications you’re already taking.

    Medical procedures


    Dilation and curettage, also known as D&C, is a procedure in which your doctor dilates your cervix and scrapes tissue from the lining of your uterus.

    Why is my period longer this month

  • Why is my period longer this month
  • Period longer than usual but light
  • Period longer than 10 days
  • My period won't stop but its light and brown
  • Why is my period 2 days longer than usual
  • This is a fairly common procedure and generally cuts down on menstrual bleeding.


    Surgery is the most common treatment for cancerous tumors. It’s also an option to treat fibroids, but it’s not always necessary.

    Removal of polyps can be done using a hysteroscopy.

    Endometrial ablation

    Endometrial ablation is a procedure used in women who haven’t had any success wit

      my period is longer and heavier than usual
      my period is longer than normal